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Jenna Presley
may be a small girl but in just over a year she has made a big impact in porn. She was discovered after stripping in college but made the transition to adult DVDs in no time. She has yet to perform anal scenes for the camera but was still nominated for the coveted AVN Best New Starlet Award to be handed out January 13, 2007. In this interview with XRentDVD's Big D, Jenna Presley reveals that she was a stripper in Mexico while still a sophomore in high school, discusses her struggle to overcome anorexia and demonstrates how she can drive, eat, change radio stations and talk on the phone all at the same time.

Big D: Growing up you wanted to be a news anchor woman. So how did you go from wanting to be on camera reading the news to being on camera and having sex?

Jenna Presley: I was in college and I was stripping. I got picked up by a couple of producers and I am the type of girl that will try anything once. I decided to come out and try porn. I loved it so much that I stuck with it. I actually have my own Playboy TV show now. It is kind of like something you would see on VH1 where the celebrity will introduce a music video. Instead of a celebrity it is me and instead of music videos I am introducing sex clips. With porn I have been able to branch out and do what I have wanted to do from the beginning even though it is in a completely different field.

Big D: Do you still have aspirations to get into mainstream broadcasting or would it just be too hard and too scandalous to have a former porn star doing your late local news?

Jenna Presley: (laughs) I would love to do something like that. It would be a lot of fun however now that I have been in porn I have changed what I want to do with my life. I am happy with what I am doing right now.

Big D: So since you are willing to try just about anything once, what is it about porn that keeps you coming back to the point where you have been in for over a year now?

Jenna Presley: I guess it is because I have always been a very, very sexual person. I love sex and I also love money. You put the two together and it is my dream job. (laughs) It really doesn't matter how much I work, whether it is 100 hours a week or it is two hours a week, it is all about loving your job. That's how I feel. It doesn't have anything to do with having a flexible schedule. It is because I am truly loving what I am doing. Even if I had to put in 100 hours a week to keep doing what I am doing, I would do that because I love my job that much.

Big D: You mentioned that you were a stripper back in college but that is not where you got your start. Tell me about how you started stripping at age 15 down in Mexico. How did you pull that off?

Jenna Presley: I am originally from San Diego and all my friends used to go down to Tijuana to party. I was a very, very good girl in high school but I decided to go with them one night. I got drunk for the very first time and I somehow lost my friends. I wandered into another club that I thought was a dance club but it ended up being a strip club. I was so drunk that I got up and danced. I don't remember too much about that night. I went back the following night and I continued to do it almost every weekend for about a year and a half to two years.

Big D: I know Mexico has laws that are a bit more relaxed regarding the drinking age compared to the United States but that surprises me that a high school girl can work as a stripper for that long and not get busted.

Jenna Presley: In Mexico you can bring your high school ID because it does not show your age on it. In Mexico they don't really check. I don't want to get the entire country of Mexico in trouble for saying this. (laughs) They ask you for your ID and I would show them my high school ID that said I was in tenth grade. My ID didn't have an age on it. I guess since it didn't say I was under 18 it was all good. (laughs)

Big D: From the experience at such a tender age, what kept you going back to strip for close to two years? Was it the attention or the money or just expressing yourself? What made you want to be a stripper in Mexico while still in high school?

Jenna Presley: It was really something I started doing when I was 16. It was great because I was also working at the UPS store. I would make in one night the same money I would make in two weeks at the UPS store. At age 16, $400 or $500 a night is fantastic. People sometimes gets this confused about when I was stripping at age 16. I never got fully nude. I would always go topless. I always had bottoms on. Very rarely did I do a lap dance. I was mainly a stage girl having fun and dancing. I just got on stage and would just pretend that no one was there.

Big D: You've been nominated for the AVN Award Best New Starlet. Some of the more notable girls to have taken home that award include Tera Patrick, Jenna Haze, Ginger Lynn, Cytherea and of course Jenna Jameson. What would it mean to you to win it and what do you think of your chances?

Jenna Presley: To win it would be such an achievement. I would love to win it because there is this theory that the winner of Best New Starlet just kind of falls off the face of the earth after she wins. I want to prove that if I do win I am not going anywhere and I will still be just as great of a performer as I am now. As far as the competition and my chances of winning? There are some pretty big name girls and some contract girls that are nominated. It's all about performance I guess. I am not sure because I am going up against some girls who do a lot of anal. There are a variety of girls that are up for the award. I think that everyone nominated has an equal chance. I feel that any of the girls up for this award that wins it will have deserved it. That's how I feel.


Big D:
When you first broke in to porn about a year ago did you ever in your wildest dreams think you would be up for an award of this magnitude? Did you even know they gave out awards for porn?

Jenna Presley: I didn't know too much about porn when I got into it. I really didn't know there were awards shows to honor porn. When I got in, it was all just fun and games. I have kind of made a name for myself and it is fun. It is fun because I get to go and do store signings. I did a store signing in Alaska and there was a five hour long wait for people to get my signature. Things like that are really cool.

Big D: Is that hard to fathom and take in that you are not allowed to drink legally in the United States yet you have fans lining up to get your signature? Is it hard to take it all in that you are a porn star and you have fans?

Jenna Presley: No, not at all. I was really excited. I had no idea I had fans. I guess I don't give myself enough credit. To me, I didn't even know I had fans. I didn't even know there were 'porn fans'. So when I showed up and there was that long of a line of people, I was surprised. I like to relate to my fans on a personal level. When people were there they were really excited to see me and to talk to me. They got to meet me and get to know me more as me and not just Jenna Presley the 'porn girl'. I like to connect with my fans. I talk to them on myspace.com. I am open about certain parts of my personal life so that people can relate to me.

Big D: Some girls take the fans for granted and know if they are hot the people will still buy and rent their adult DVDs even if they are a bitch to their fans in real life. Do you think keeping a connection to your fans will help you have staying power in the industry?

Jenna Presley: That's definitely a huge part of it. When a company is deciding on who they will put in their movie or who to put on the box cover, they will choose the hot girl that is going to help sell it. If you are a dick to your fans, they will probably stop buying your movies. If you are rude to them you probably lost a box cover and will lose some work because of that. I am all about being real. If you are a mean person I guess you are going to be mean to fans. I'm a nice girl and I like to be nice to my fans. It's all about being real.

Big D: What was your first reaction when you started popping up on box covers after only being in the business for a few months?

Jenna Presley: My first box cover was Fuckdolls #6 and I got it after being in porn for about three months. For me that was really exciting. I didn't know at the time that I would be getting more and more box covers. I appreciate every time I get a box cover. I think that it is cool because I know they are putting me on there for a reason. I try not to read too much into it but I have gotten on more box covers in the past four months than I have in the last year I have been in the business.

Big D: Why do you think that is happening? Why are you getting more box covers now compared to the year you were in porn when you were first starting out?

Jenna Presley: I think it's because I have kind of changed my look. If you look at pictures of me from when I first got into the business compared to now I think my look has matured. I don't look so 'young girl' anymore. I've darkened my hair and I have gotten some Restylane injections in my lips. I don't know if that has played a factor or the fact that I have been in the business for a year. People are getting to know me and I am more recognizable. It is an honor every time I make it on the box cover.

Big D: Does making the box cover enter your mind when you step onto a job or do you think of it as an extra bonus to doing a job you enjoy?

Jenna Presley: It's always an extra added bonus. I do my scenes because I like what I do. I won't take a job just because I want to be on the box cover. It's all about going to work and having a good time. If I get on the box, that's great. If I don't, I'll get it next time.

Big D: Do you have any favorites that you get excited to work for whether it be a studio or a director or even your fellow actors you are working with?

Jenna Presley: I love working for Zero Tolerance. They are a great, great company. For a gonzo company they treat you very well. They make sure that everything you need you have on set. No matter what kind of food you want they will make food runs for you. They always have wardrobe for the girls. The director they have there that I really like is Mike Quasar. He is cool. I love working for Wicked. David Stanley is amazing. He is a funny, funny guy. I like Digital Playground. Robby D is a great guy and is a really funny director. I like being around people that are just cool, you know? (laughs) They are laid back and do not take everything so seriously. In the end, you are getting fucked at the end of the day and you want to have fun. You don't want to be around a bunch of grumpy people.

Big D: With that said, who are some of the male and female talent that make it a fun day to go to work and be a porn star?

Jenna Presley: As far male talent goes I like working with Marco and Mark Davis. I like Steven St Croix and Randy Spears. I like the guys that are funny and outgoing and they are there to do their job. The female performers I like are Kirsten Price and Nadia Styles. The same things goes for the girls. As long as they like to have fun. To me, looks really don't matter too much. There are so many beautiful people in the business that if you get an ugly one it's not that big of a deal. It's all about cool and friendly people.

Big D: It sounds like knowing the person and getting to know their personality is more of a turn on for you. Is it important for you to know the people you are about to work with to establish that chemistry before a scene?
Jenna Presley: I have a 'yes' and a 'no' list. My 'yes' list contains everyone that I just mentioned. I think I have a pretty big 'yes' list. I don't exclude very many people. Basically I know everyone that is on my 'yes' list and I know that when I go to work I will be working with cool people.

Big D: You are a recovering anorexic. You have made no bones about it and have spoken on the topic freely in public. How did you overcome anorexia nervosa to the point where you feel comfortable enough with your body to get naked and have sex on camera?

Jenna Presley: Realizing I have anorexia was the hardest part. I was 17 at the time and my mom put me into treatment. I was in such denial. I had no idea what anorexia was. I just knew that I felt that I was fat and overweight and I just didn't want to eat. I was forced into treatment but I dropped out when I turned 18. I didn't think that I had a problem. I ended up moving in with my uncle and he was very, very sad because of the way that I looked. I was very frail and very thin. When I saw him crying it broke my heart. I love my uncle more than anyone in this world. I checked myself back into treatment and it was all uphill from there. Now because I have overcome all of that, I feel like a better person. I can show my body and I am proud of it. Before treatment I wasn't.

Big D: What kind of treatment did you get that you could build up your self esteem enough that you are now proud of your body to show it off to the world by doing porn?

Jenna Presley: It took some time. When I first got into the business I was a bit bigger than I am right now because I had been just released from the hospital. That was a factor because I started working out a lot when I got into this business to try to lose weight. I caught myself doing that and I had to take a step back and kind of see the big picture. I needed to realize that I was digging myself a hole and putting myself back where I had started. I took a little break, about two weeks, and collected my thoughts. I'm okay with it now. I am okay with my body and I am proud of it.

Big D: I am assuming you will be in Las Vegas in January for the big AVN show. Are you going to be signing somewhere and will this be your first time at the show?

Jenna Presley: I was going to be signing for Playboy TV. They just canceled their booth and apparently a lot of studios are backing out of that show. Right now it is up in the air. I am definitely going to be out there. If I don't end up signing for anyone I will definitely be there and have something to give out that are either cards or something and take pictures with fans out there.

Big D: First job?

Jenna Presley: My uncle is a carpenter and has his own construction business and I was a receptionist for his office.

Big D: First concert?

Jenna Presley: Spice Girls. I loved them and I was in fifth grade. I was so excited to be there I dressed up like 'Baby Spice'. It was so much fun. Your first concert is always the greatest.

Big D: First car?

Jenna Presley: I actually still drive it. My parents bought me a gold Ford Focus when I was 16. I am actually driving it right now as I am talking to you.

Big D: What's in your CD player right now?

Jenna Presley: My CD player has The Game in it right now. I am big rap fan.

Big D: Favorite food?

Jenna Presley: Blueberries. I am actually eating those right now as I drive.

Big D: First porn you ever watched?

Jenna Presley: I was 13 and I watched Juicy Lucy. I was so disgusted by it when I first saw it because I was seeing these big huge cocks. And to think, now I am in those types of movies. (laughs)

Big D: Favorite position?

Jenna Presley: I love missionary where my legs are over the guy's shoulders. I have different positions for different cock sizes. I like missionary for guys who have smaller dicks because they can really get it in you. I also like doggy for guys with smaller dicks. For guys with bigger dicks I love to spoon because you can cuddle.

Big D: Go to the movies or go to the ballgame?

Jenna Presley: Baseball game. I like the San Diego Padres.

Big D: What modern convenience can you not live without?

Jenna Presley: My cell phone.

Big D: Favorite mainstream movie?

Jenna Presley: I don't want to say Napoleon Dynamite because everyone says that one but that is one of my favorite movies. I also like Super Troopers. I love that movie. It is so funny.

Big D: Favorite vacation spot?

Jenna Presley: My grandfather has a house in Los Barriles that is near Cabo San Lucas in Mexico. I go there often to scuba dive.

Big D: Person you'd like to meet that you have not met?

Jenna Presley: Britney Spears. She is such a dork now but I looked up to her when she first came out. I like her 'I just don't give a fuck' personality. There are pictures of her floating around on the internet right now with her getting out of a car with Paris Hilton and her pussy is hanging out. She had no panties on. She just doesn't care and I like that about her.

Big D: Place you want to visit but haven't yet?

Jenna Presley: Paris

Mer 4 mar 2009 Aucun commentaire

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